Prayer for Peace

Psalm 4: 1, 6 – 8

Answer me when I pray,
O God, my defender!
When I was in trouble, you helped me.
Be kind to me now and hear my prayer.

There are many who pray:
“Give us more blessings, O Lord.
Look on us with kindness!”
But the joy that you have given me
is more than they will ever have
with all their grain and wine.

When I lie down, I go to sleep in peace;
you alone, O Lord, keep me perfectly safe.

How do you pray?

Running (OK shuffling along in) one of my London marathons, I came across a woman who was running for Breast Cancer Research.  On the back of her T shirt she had written “Running for my Gran Died 1971, Mum 1985, Sister 2002, Me ????”

That was a prayer, asking for people to help her raise funds for research.

The Psalmist is very keen on prayer, but prayer for the right reasons. We should not pray only for material Blessings he says, that bring us an easy life, for as the Psalmist says here they bring no lasting joy when compared with the deep peace that comes from knowing the Lord is with you.

At this time of course, just as many are rediscovering the joys of cycling, many are also praying for the first time in years, and absolutely nothing wrong with that,  In fact it is one of the few good by-products of this Virus. But let our prayers be for peace and strength to achieve deliverance.



Lord God, our loving Father in Heaven, forgive us if we have not prayed our thanks in the good times, and in your mercy hear us now as we ask for the strength and courage to see this time of trial through. May we know the peace of knowing you are here and with us, all the way, all the time.

In your Mercy hear our prayer,
