From The Reverend John Murdoch : Letter and Edict
Please see letter and Edict below, from The Interim Moderator : The Reverend John Murdoch
The Interim Moderator : The Reverend John Murdoch
17th September 2020
Dear Members of Comrie and Dundurn Parish Churches
I wish to give you some very positive news concerning your Vacancy : a Vacancy which has lasted eighteen months, since Dr McWilliams translation to Ayrshire in March 2019.
We have now reached this stage: the Nominating Committee, which has worked very hard, particularly so during the worst months of the pandemic, has chosen a Sole Nominee; the name has been presented to the Kirk Sessions and indeed to the Presbytery.
The next steps very much involve you in that when the Sole Nominee conducts Morning Worship on Sunday 4th October 2020 you will be given the opportunity to vote : For or Against.
The procedure regarding notification of the Sole Nominee and the voting is as below in what is called an Edict: it is a somewhat different procedure to what has happened before with a vacant Charge electing its Minister, because of the government and Church regulations as to the number of people who may attend the Services at which the Sole Nominee will preach; we now observe what the Church of Scotland calls ‘The Protocol’.
At a meeting held at 7pm on 1st September 2020 by zoom, the Nominating Committee chose the person who it wishes to propose to the Congregations of Comrie and Dundurn to be their new Minister.
The name of the person proposed is Mr Craig Dobney.
Arrangements have been made for Mr Craig Dobney to conduct public worship in Comrie Parish Church on the Fourth Day of October 2020 at 10 o’clock and at Dundurn Parish Church at 11 30 o’clock
The Presbytery of Perth have approved that for Comrie Parish Church:
- A representative cross-section of the membership, of up to fifty members of the Congregation of Comrie Parish Church, will be specifically invited when Mr Craig Dobney conducts public worship.
The Presbytery of Perth have approved that for Dundurn Parish Church
- Up to thirty two persons, who will be specifically invited, shall be present when Mr Craig Dobney conducts public worship.
- The Presbytery of Perth have approved:
- Further, a recording of Mr Craig Dobney conducting public worship will be available from the Fourth day of October at 12 noon online at org
- Additionally, those members of Comrie and Dundurn Parish Churches who will not be physically present in either Comrie or Dundurn Parish Churches and who do not have access to the internet and wish a DVD of the recorded Comrie Service to allow them to watch at their leisure, should contact the Session Clerk, not later than the 28th day of September at 1 o’clock.
- Comrie Session Clerk, Mr Murray Lauchlan : 01764 670605
- Dundurn Session Clerk, Mrs Elma Brierley : 01764 685427.
- In addition too, those members of Comrie and Dundurn Parish Churches who will not be physically present in either Comrie or Dundurn Parish Churches on Sunday 4tth October and who would wish to listen to the recorded Service by telephone, may do so by telephoning 01764 363726 after 12 noon on Sunday 4th October to hear the recorded Service conducted by Mr Dobney.
- After the Services, a vote on whether or not Mr Craig Dobney should be appointed as the new Minister of the Congregations of Comrie and Dundurn will be opened. Anyone whose name appears on the Electoral Register of these Congregations of Comrie and Dundurn shall be entitled to vote. No-one else shall be entitled to vote.
- Those who are entitled to a vote shall receive, by a hand-delivered letter **from the Session Clerks, prior to the Fourth Day of October, a ballot paper with a unique number printed upon it, with instruction of how to cast a vote : All Members would then be invited to return their completed ballot paper, either by post or by hand-delivery, addressed to the relevant Session Clerk at the Church Office, Comrie.
** Particular care must and will be taken when written material is being delivered by Elders to members’ homes, ensuring that no households are inadvertently exposed to greater risk
- Votes returned without a unique number will not be counted. The unique numbers will not be linked to how votes are cast. All votes must be returned not later than Monday the Twelfth Day of October at 4 pm. The Votes will then be counted by me, witnessed by a member of the Vacancy Advisory Committee. The result will then be declared to the Kirk Sessions at 8 pm on Monday evening the Twelfth of October by zoom: The Sole Nominee will of course also be informed.
Please contact me at any point about the procedures if you are in any way uncertain.
I send every good wish and ask God’s Blessings upon you all and upon the Sole Nominee, Mr Dobney.
Yours sincerely
John Murdoch
Interim Moderator
The Reverend J A H Murdoch
Minister of St John’s Kirk of Perth linked with St Leonard’s in the Fields, Perth.
07578 558978 : Mobile
01738 628378 : Manse