Palm Cross

We thought it might be an idea to DIY the Palm Crosses this year!
You can either create one using the instructions below and place it in your window or wherever you think best. Alternatively, and perhaps easier, draw a cross on the palm of your hand (A Palm Cross indeed!). You can take a photo of it and post it to the Church’s Facebook page.

This origami Easter Cross is a traditional model. You can also use palm leaves to make the cross; this tradition being common during Palm Sunday.


You will need a long strip of paper that is of ratio 1:30. This means that if you use a strip of paper that is 1 cm wide, then it needs to be 30 cm long in order for it to be long enough to weave into a cross.  If you use paper that is a different color on the front and back, then you will get a central square that is a different color compared to the arms of the cross. For a cross that is the same color all around, use paper that is the same color on the front and back.

Origami Easter Cross Instructions (download pdf)

Take a long strip of paper and make a 45 degree fold so the top third of the paper points towards the left.
Take this end of the paper and fold it behind (mountain fold) and towards the right.
Fold the paper back towards the left. Make sure the folds are straight so you don’t cinch the center portion of the cross.

Loop the end of the paper towards the right and then back towards the center of the cross.
Adjust the loop so the left and right side are even. Press down to flatten the paper. This makes the left and right arms of the cross.
Fold down the arms of the cross. A white, central square should be visible.
Take the bottom end of the paper strip and weave it through the center of the cross.

Pull through completely. Once this is done, the model is quite stable and will not unravel.
Bring the end of the paper back towards the center of the cross and weave it through again.
Pull through but leave enough paper so it makes the top part of the cross. This part should be slightly longer that the right and left arms of the cross.
Bring the paper back up BEHIND the model and weave the end through the center part of the cross. If necessary, cut off excess paper.

Pull through as much as necessary to make a nicely proportioned cross.
You can leave the arms of the cross slightly rounded.