Remembrance Sunday 8th November 2020

As a continued mark of respect to the fallen of many campaigns’, Remembrance will take place on the 8th of November.

A service of remembrance will begin at 10am in Comrie Parish Church, We will not parade from the church to the war memorial, a piper will however play at the memorial.

Due to the current restrictions under which we currently live a number of points must be observed, firstly attendance at the church service is by booking only: contact for booking Ruth Murray 655731, a limited number of spaces are available, secondly facemasks must be worn in the church and within the grounds of the war memorial, finally please at all times observe social distancing.

 The service at the parish church will be led by Rev Bob Milne, the locum minister during the time of vacancy, and the act of remembrance at the memorial will be a multi denominational event.  

 Any further details can be obtained from Murray Lauchlan Session Clerk at Comrie Parish Church 07979530585 or