WEEKLY WORSHIP  Sunday Morning Worship is at 10.00am in Comrie and 11.30am in Dundurn. Also live online via    

HOLY COMMUNION  Celebrated  February, June and October at 10.00am and Maundy Thursday at 7.30pm.  Keep and eye on our news page or Facebook for dates.

HOLY WEEK  There are services of worship every evening at 7.00pm  and additionally at 2.45pm on Good Friday.

Additional services of worship are held during Advent:  a Christingle service, a Community Carol Service, and an Outdoor Nativity (drama).  On Nativity Sunday there is usually a Nativity play by the children and/or adults, supported by Comrie Parish Singers.

On Christmas Eve, Comrie Parish Singers lead the Watchnight Service at 11.00pm.  On Christmas morning at 10.00am there is a short family service, where you are encouraged to bring along one of your Christmas gifts to show to the congregation.

On the morning of Remembrance Day the parade, led by Comrie Pipe Band, leaves the Church after morning worship arriving at the War Memorial by the bridge on Dalginross at 10.50am.

Remebrance Poppy